Interface representing a Figma file. It includes properties for the file name, role, last modified date, editor type, thumbnail URL, version, document node, schema version, main file key, and an array of branches.

interface FigmaFile {
    branches: {
        key: string;
        last_modified: string;
        link_access: string;
        name: string;
        thumbnail_url: string;
    document: Node;
    editorType: string;
    lastModified: string;
    mainFileKey: string;
    name: string;
    role: string;
    schemaVersion: number;
    thumbnailUrl: string;
    version: string;


branches: {
    key: string;
    last_modified: string;
    link_access: string;
    name: string;
    thumbnail_url: string;
document: Node
editorType: string
lastModified: string
mainFileKey: string
name: string
role: string
schemaVersion: number
thumbnailUrl: string
version: string